Status Update: August 18, 2018

Hey Pangaeans

I'm writing this as I do my live-stream blog (kind of). I actually stopped midway since I wanted to give you guys my attention. These things are always short.

I'm still working on mechanics and not sure I'll be done before August, but I fully intend to try. The environmental battle system is kicking my ass like it did before -_- For now, I'm focused on the basic mechanics before I deal with the complex stuff. I've also downgraded the battle animations for now since that also eats up a lot of time. This is not even an alpha of the game demo after all. It's a prototype, I think it's called. Point is it's not 1.0

This was a small update, I know, but I've been busy with real life stuff as well as the game. A lot of unexpected things have come up (like loss of internet at unexpected times). I still appreciate everyone's support. It means a lot to me!

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